Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

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Productos Químicos Iberin, S.A, is a company especialized in the marketing of chemical products with more than thirty years in the market.

Our activity focuses on research, development, manufacture and marketing of chemical products, created to be first quality products in the cleaning sector. Our products are the result of a constant concern of our laboratory and Department of Product Development, who work in the search for innovation, with a professional team with capability in all types of analysis, development and advice that our clients need, responding with solutions to each of our clients. Productos Químicos Iberin, S.A offers quality, service, commitment, flexibility and personalized support from our technical and commercial team. Our work is complemented by our Logistic Department, for a fast delivery.

We also have a Department responsible for attending any complaints, suggestions, request or information that our costumers need. Productos Químicos Iberin, S.A puts all its experience and highly qualified staff to meet and resolve the needs of the market.

Contact Information

  • Avenida de la Astronomía, 15 
  • 28830 San Fernando de Henares - Madrid.
  • Spain.
  • Telephone and fax: +34 91 656 62 54

Aviso legal

  • La empresa titular de es PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS IBERIN, S.A. Mail
  • A tenor de lo establecido en la LOPD, informamos a nuestros clientes de que cuantos datos personales faciliten serán incluidos en un fichero automatizado.
  • Los derechos de propiedad intelectual y la explotación de esta página web son titularidad exclusiva de PRODUCTOS QUÍMICOS IBERIN, S.A.